Grab your promo notepad and pen: Today is education day at The Expo! As you move from the general session to all the various breakout sessions you want to attend, we’re here with some tips to help you capture all the great insights that come your way.

In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we’re highlighting a blog post from Sudarshan Somanathan, the head of content at ClickUp, on how to use the mind map notetaking method. Why use this method? Because it allows you to easily capture and retain information. Instead of jotting down paragraphs or making lists like in traditional note taking, mind mapping involves mapping out your thoughts in a more free-flowing way.

Here’s why you might want to try mind mapping today:

It enables brainstorming on paper. Hear something amazing? Quickly jot it down and group ideas visually into different categories. Somanathan likes mind mapping because it gives a clear overview of many different concepts and is helpful in creative projects.

It helps you find connections between ideas. The visual aspect of mind mapping means you can see how different things fit together and glean important takeaways. Somanathan says the graphic representation boosts your memory and cements your understanding of what you’re hearing.

It concisely presents information. Instead of deciphering pages of text, you can quickly glance at a mind map to see main ideas, sub-topics and supporting details. Take it a step further, Somanathan says, by using colors, images and spatial arrangements to convey connections that may be difficult to articulate through text alone.

It stimulates creative thinking. Mind mapping is how your brain naturally processes thoughts, so you’ll probably find it easier to uncover new perspectives and fresh ideas. You may have missed out on these creative ideas if you took a traditional note-taking approach.

It boosts problem-solving abilities. By organizing your thoughts visually, you can spot patterns and gaps, leading to deeper insights and creative solutions. When you get home from The Expo, you can review your mind maps and find connections between different sessions and topics. This can make it simpler to generate new ideas.

When you attend all the great education sessions this week, try mind mapping. It’s an effective way to capture details, organize information and connect ideas after the show. Plus, it’s a fantastic tool for reflection and further exploration.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Sudarshan Somanathan is the head of content at ClickUp, a cloud-based project management and productivity tool.