Your professional network isn’t just a list of contacts but a web of relationships that can help you throughout your career. From promo industry peers and mentors to former co-workers and clients, each connection brings something unique to the table. They can help you work through problems, brainstorm ideas or explore opportunities. 

Renowned leadership coach Lolly Daskal knows firsthand how important it is to build and nurture a professional network. These relationships can significantly impact your career success. While other factors matter, like your skills and industry knowledge, Daskal says your connections are equally important.

In this issue of PromoPro Daily, we discuss her thoughts on why it’s important to continuously grow your professional network.

Networking can lead to new opportunities. Whether you’re looking for a new position in the promo industry, a project collaboration or a mentorship, networking can help. The connections you make throughout your career can lead to advancements and opportunities that may have otherwise remained out of reach, Daskal says.

Networking offers learning and growth. Think about your experiences at industry events like The PPAI Expo and the PPAI Women’s Leadership Conference. The conversations you had and the people you met provided opportunities to learn and grow. Daskal says interacting with colleagues, mentors and industry peers exposes you to diverse perspectives, insights and knowledge.

Networking offers a support system. Whether you need advice, want to bounce around ideas or celebrate an achievement, your network is there for you. Navigating a career path can be tough at times, Daskal says, which makes it all the important to have a robust network to help you through the difficult times and celebrate with you in the good times.

Networking offers collaboration. Your promo peers have varying backgrounds and expertise. By networking with them, Daskal says you create opportunities for creative problem-solving and developing fresh ideas.

Networking can boost your professional standing. Who you know matters. According to Daskal, your professional relationships can significantly influence your reputation and credibility within the promo industry. You open the door for more recommendations and referrals when others know you and respect you.

Networking provides job security. Daskal says a strong professional network can provide a safety net. The more promo pros you know, the more opportunities might come your way in terms of promotions and new opportunities. She says that in today’s workplaces, success isn’t just built on individual competence but on the relationships you build and maintain.

The people you meet in the promo industry and beyond aren’t just a means to an end but a vital part of your career journey. Keep up with your connections, make new ones and keep expanding your network. You never know where those business relationships might lead.

Compiled by Audrey Sellers
Source: Lolly Daskal is founder of Lead from Within, a global leadership, executive coaching, and consulting firm based in New York City.