Danny Rosin, CAS, president and co-owner of North Carolina-based distributor Brand Fuel (PPAI 277900, D8), has been appointed to the PPAI Board of Directors to fill the remaining term of Joshua White.

  • In January, White announced he would take a reduced role at BAMKO to focus on entrepreneurial pursuits and resign from the PPAI Board.
  • PPAI bylaws stipulate that a mid-term replacement must come with previous Board service. Rosin previously served a full term on the Board from 2017-2021.

“I was both surprised and knocked over smiling,” Rosin says of the opportunity to rejoin the PPAI Board. “I am honored to be asked back to help PPAI with its exciting strategic plan and volunteer at the highest level to support our members.”

  • By stepping in for White, who joined the Board in 2023, Rosin will serve the entirety of White’s remaining term through The PPAI Expo 2027.

PPAI Board Chair Andrew Spellman, CAS, vice president of corporate markets at Therabody, expressed his enthusiasm to be able to work alongside Rosin in such an important capacity.

“I am so excited to appoint Danny to the vacated board seat,” Spellman says. “Danny had served previously on the board and completed his term as I was coming on. I was disappointed that we were not going to be able to serve together. Now we get that chance.”

A Familiar Face To The Board

In Rosin, the PPAI Board has appointed a known industry advocate, who has been a public facing voice for Brand Fuel, PromoKitchen and PPAI. In 2023, he was named the H. Ted Olson Humanitarian Award winner for his philanthropic efforts.

“Danny is well known for being kind and giving while being a leader at a successful distributor,” says Dale Denham, MAS+, president and CEO of PPAI. “He also pushes the people around him to think differently. I had the pleasure of serving with Danny during his first term on the PPAI Board and am thrilled to have him back in a formal leadership role with PPAI.”

  • Co-founding Brand Fuel in 1998, Rosin was a primary force in growing it into one of the more recognizable distributors in promo. In 2023, Brand Fuel earned PPAI 100 High Marks in Growth and Responsibility.
  • Rosin also co-founded PromoKitchen out of his desire to promote and mentor rising voices in the industry.
  • In 2023, Rosin was named to PPAI Media’s #Online18 for his personal social media presence. Brand Fuel was named the list’s No. 1 organization.
  • He also served as one of four distributor judges on The Pitch in 2023 and 2024.

Having already served a full term on the PPAI Board, Rosin believes his experience will help him jump right in and contribute, but understands that the promo landscape has continued to evolve.

“It is not lost on me that PPAI is a very different organization, led by an incredibly talented staff and committed board,” Rosin says.

Between his experience and industry reputation, Rosin made for an easy choice to step in and take on the responsibility of sitting on the PPAI Board.

“His familiarity with the Association, his alignment with our strategic plan, his unmatched philanthropic efforts and his strong industry business acumen make him the ideal candidate,” Spellman says.

Unfinished Business?

Asked about the time commitment required for yet another term on the PPAI Board of Directors, Rosin expressed his desire to see the promo industry through the path it is currently on.

“I am bullish on the value of promotional products and PPAI’s role with the industry’s growth, safety and reputation,” Rosin says. “But we have a lot of work to do. I want to be a part of leading that work to help members with education, advocacy, new resources, collaboration, how to be a force for good and even injecting some fun along the way.”

His initial tenure on the PPAI Board went from 2017-2021, meaning he oversaw an exciting period of growth followed by a sudden moment of complete uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I served on the board during some of PPAI’s best and worst times,” Rosin says. “The pandemic put many initiatives like corporate social responsibility, that I think we should care deeply about, on hold. Being able to ‘giddy up and go’ again on that pillar, in particular, is like a mulligan.”