PPAI Legislative Education and Action Day (L.E.A.D.)

In 2023, PPAI will co-locate the North American Leadership Conference (NALC) and the Legislative Education and Action Day (L.E.A.D.). The PPAI North American Leadership Conference (NALC) delves into the most relevant, top-of-mind business issues and ideas impacting the promotional products industry with an emphasis on networking events, leadership development, strategic foresight, emerging business issues, trends and best practices. PPAI’s Legislative Education and Action Day (L.E.A.D.) connects industry professionals with lawmakers and their staff members on Capitol Hill. The legislative fly-in event entails dozens of volunteers traveling to D.C. for a full day of face-to-face meetings advocating on behalf of the entire industry. The conversations involve educating legislators about the enduring power of promotional products and how various government policies affect the promotional products industry. 

If you plan to attend NALC and are also interested in participating in LEAD, please email Maurice Norris at MauriceN@ppai.org.